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Step1 | Start |
Step2 | Set a constant x as 3 |
Step3 | Initialize ask=0 |
Step4 | Display "\nWhat operation would you like to perform?" "\n1. Input Data" "\n2. Display Data" "\n3. Process Record" "\n4. EXIT\n" “\nYour option:” |
Step5 | Ask user for input as variable ask |
Step6 | Is ask=1? |
YES | Goto Step7 |
NO | Goto Step18 |
Step7 | Display "\n\nYou Want to:\n" "\n A.Input all" "\n notA.Input specific data?" "\n Your option:" |
Step8 | Ask user for option as askchar |
Step9 | Is askchar=’A’ |
YES | Goto Step10 |
NO | Goto Step15 |
Step10 | Set i=0 |
Step11 | Is i<x? |
YES | Goto step12 |
NO | Goto step17 |
Step12 | Call userdefined function ipdata(i) |
Step13 | Increase the value of i by 1` |
Step14 | Goto Step11 |
Step15 | Ask user for input as any number from 1 to ‘x’ |
Step16 | Call userdefined function ipdata(i-1) |
Step17 | Goto Step3 |
Step18 | Is ask=2? |
YES | Goto Step19 |
NO | Goto Step21 |
Step19 | Call userdefined function showdata() |
Step20 | Goto Step3 |
Step21 | Is ask=3? |
YES | Goto Step22 |
NO | Goto Step24 |
Step22 | Call userdefined function processrey() |
Step23 | Goto Step3 |
Step24 | Is ask=4? |
YES | Goto Step27 |
NO | Goto Step25 |
Step25 | Display “n INVALID ENTRY! Please enter again!!\n\n” |
Step26 | Goto Step3 |
Step27 | Stop |
Step1 | Start of userdefined function ipdata(int i) |
Step2 | Display “Data Entry for Student no %d’,i+1 |
Step3 | Ask user for fname and lname of student |
Step4 | Ask user for name of course |
Step5 | Ask user for marks in Physics, Mathematics, it, C, and Stat |
Step6 | Stop |
Step1 | Start of userdefined function showdata() |
Step2 | Display “\nName\t\tCourse\tTotal\tPercent\n\n” |
Step3 | Set i=0 |
Step4 | Is i<x? |
YES | Goto Step5 |
NO | Goto Step9 |
Step5 | Calculate tot=profile[i].sub.phy+profile[i].sub.math+profile[i][i].sub.c+profile[i].sub.stat |
Step6 | Display profile[i]fname, profile[i]lname, tot, and tot/5 with tab space in between |
Step7 | Increase the value of I by 1 |
Step8 | Goto Step4 |
Step9 | Stop |
Step1 | Start of userdefined function processrey() |
Step2 | Initialize sum=0 and i=0 |
Step3 | Is i<x? |
YES | Goto Step4 |
NO | Goto Step7 |
Step4 | Calculate sum=sum+profile[i].sub.phy+profile[i].sub.math+profile[i][i].sub.c+profile[i].sub.stat |
Step5 | Increase the value of i by 1 |
Step6 | Goto Step3 |
Step7 | Display total of all students as sum |
Step8 | Stop |
#include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <process.h> #define x 3 typedef struct{ int phy; int math; int it; int c; int stat; }rec; rec sub; typedef struct{ char fname[20]; char lname[20]; char cname[20]; rec sub; }rec2; rec2 profile[x]; void main() { int ask=0,i; char askchar; clrscr(); void ipdata(int i); void showdata(void); void processrey(void); asker: printf("\nWhat operation would you like to perform?" "\n1. Input Data" "\n2. Display Data" "\n3. Process Record" "\n4. EXIT\n"); printf("Your option:"); scanf("%d",&ask); switch (ask) { case 1: printf("\n\nYou Want to:\n" "\n A.Input all" "\n notA.Input specific data?" "\n Your option:"); askchar=toupper(getche()); if (askchar=='A') { for(i=0;i<x;i++) { ipdata(i); } } else { printf("\n\nInput for Data number(choose 1 to %d):",x); scanf("%d",&i); ipdata(i-1); } break; case 2: showdata(); break; case 3: processrey(); break; case 4: abort(); default: printf("\n INVALID ENTRY! Please enter again!!\n\n"); } goto asker; } void ipdata(int i) { //INPUT BELOW: printf("\n\nDATA ENTRY FOR STUDENT NO. %d\n",i+1); flushall(); printf("\nEnter fname of student: "); scanf("%[^\n]",profile[i].fname); flushall(); printf("\nEnter lname of student: "); scanf("%[^\n]",profile[i].lname); flushall(); printf("\nEnter name of course: "); scanf("%[^\n]",profile[i].cname); flushall(); printf("\nEnter marks in Phy: ");scanf("%d",&profile[i].sub.phy); printf("\nEnter marks in Math: ");scanf("%d",&profile[i].sub.math); printf("\nEnter marks in IT: ");scanf("%d",&profile[i]; printf("\nEnter marks in C: ");scanf("%d",&profile[i].sub.c); printf("\nEnter marks in Stat: ");scanf("%d",&profile[i].sub.stat); } void showdata() { int i; printf("\n\nName \t\tCourse\tTotal\tPercent\n\n"); for(i=0;i<x;i++) { int tot; tot=profile[i].sub.phy+profile[i].sub.math+profile[i][i].sub.c+profile[i].sub.stat; printf("%s %s\t%s\t%d\t%f\n",profile[i].fname,profile[i].lname,profile[i].cname,tot,(float)tot/5); } } void processrey() { void showdata(); int i,sum=0; showdata(); for (i=0;i<x;i++) { sum=sum+profile[i].sub.phy+profile[i].sub.math+profile[i][i].sub.c+profile[i].sub.stat; } printf("\nTotal of all students is %d\n",sum); } |
The result of this program is a comprehensive data in tabulated form obtained with the help of raw data provided by the user.
The use of structures and structures within structures can be implemented to easily categorize input variables and manipulate those values by passing structures within functions.
Step1 | Start |
Step2 | Set constant x=5 |
Step3 | Set constant y=6 |
Step4 | Declare Global array c[x+y] |
Step5 | Initialize a[x]={1,2,3,4,5} and b[y]={6,7,8,9,10,11} |
Step6 | Call userdefined function mergex(a,b) |
Step7 | Set i=0 |
Step8 | Is i<x+y? |
YES | Goto Step9 |
NO | Goto Step12 |
Step9 | Display c[i] |
Step10 | Increase the value of i by 1 |
Step11 | Goto step8 |
Step12 | Stop |
Step1 | Start of userdefined function mergex(int a[], int b[]) |
Step2 | Initialize k=0 and i=0 |
Step3 | Is i<x? |
YES | Goto step4 |
NO | Goto Step8 |
Step4 | Set c[k]=a[i] |
Step5 | Increase the value of k by 1 |
Step6 | Increase the value of i by 1 |
Step7 | Goto Step3 |
Step8 | Set i=0 |
Step9 | Is i<y? |
YES | Goto step10 |
NO | Goto Step14 |
Step10 | Set c[k]=b[i] |
Step11 | Increase the value of k by 1 |
Step12 | Increase the value of i by 1 |
Step13 | Goto Step9 |
Step14 | Stop |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <conio.h> |
#define x 5 |
#define y 6 |
int c[x+y]; |
void main() |
{ |
clrscr(); |
void mergex(int a[],int b[]); |
int a[x]={1,2,3,4,5},b[y]={6,7,8,9,10,11},i; |
mergex(a,b); |
printf("Merged array:\n\n"); |
for(i=0;i<x+y;i++) |
{ |
printf("%d ",c[i]); |
} |
getch(); |
} |
void mergex(int a[],int b[]) |
{ |
int i,k=0; |
for(i=0;i<x;i++) |
{ |
c[k]=a[i]; |
k++; |
} |
for(i=0;i<y;i++) |
{ |
c[k]=b[i]; |
k++; |
} |
} |
The result of this program is the combined contents of two arrays, a[] and b[], which was stored in a third array c[] whose array size was the combined array size of the former two arrays.
The objective of this program, to show how data are stored in arrays, was completed by fulfilling a secondary objective that required the programmer to be able to merge arrays. In any method used to solve this problem, a particular space in destination array is always given to oneparticular value in the target array. i.e. the values of arrays a[] and b[] are consecutively and successively stored inside the array c[].
The objective of this program, to show how data are stored in arrays, was completed by fulfilling a secondary objective that required the programmer to be able to merge arrays. In any method used to solve this problem, a particular space in destination array is always given to oneparticular value in the target array. i.e. the values of arrays a[] and b[] are consecutively and successively stored inside the array c[].
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