CSIT 5th Sem Assignments, Notes, PDFs, Assignments and Essential Software


यहाँ नुनदेखि सुनसम्म सबथोक पाइन्छ । तँपाईले खोजेको नोट, प्रश्नपत्र, इ बुक र BSCCSIT लाई चाहिने सम्पुर्ण सामग्री उपलब्ध छ ।  भेट्नु भएन भने तल फेसबुक कमेन्ट गर्नुहोला । तुरुन्त सहायता पाउनु हुन्छ । साथसाथै, तँपाईको अमुल्य सल्लाह सुझाबको अपेक्षा गर्दछौं । -CSITauthority Admin


List of Subjects

बोर्डको फारम भर्दा आफैलाई कास्ट भएकोले सजिलो ढङ्गले Subject-code र  Subject-name मुनि लेखिदिएको छु

CSC 301: Computer Networks (CN)
CSC 302: Simulation and Modeling (SM)
CSC 303: Design and Analysis of Algorithm (DAA)
CSC 304: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

CSC 305: Microprocessor Based Design (MBD)*
CSC 306: Applied Logic (AL)*
CSC 307: E govenance (Egov)
CSC 308: Concepts of Wireless Networking (WiN)*
MGT 309: International Business Management*
MGT 310: International Marketing*
CSC 312: Computer Hardware Design (CHD)*
CSC 313: Introduction to Cryptography (Crypto)

* Sorry we don't have notes for Asterisk marked subjects. If YOU do, kindly upload them here and help your juniors. Its really hard to find those notes.
ps. Heads up for SXC Students: SXC generally chooses Egov and Crypto combo. Although, it is technically possible to choose a different subject as long as minimum 15 people have also chosen it in your class.
Download this list of subjects

TU Old Questions:

Uploaded by Readers

These are questions uploaded by our readers. If you don't find the questions you need anywhere else, you just might find here. This is the biggest repo of this kind on the internet. Upload Old Questions
*You can upload too, and share any questions we don't have here. We thank you in advance for your help toward making this community blog better. Your Uploaded Files will appear in the list given above, shortly after being uploaded.Refresh your page if they do not appear
It is hard for admins to keep questionpapers up-to-date because exams happen every year and we're not getting any younger. Help your juniors by uploading your questionpapers. Benefit from seniors who've uploaded theirs! Please SEND US more questions to make this list better!
Microsyllabus are HARD to get. We have some that you can use. If you have got something we don't, Kindly UPLOAD and we will fill the list below. Help and get help:)




CSC-301 Computer Networks (CN)
Recommended Textbook:
Computer Networking; A Top Down Approach
Although we already have a lot of notes, It was very hard to find the syllabus recommmended textbook and reference book. Please SHARE with us if you have it.
Additional CN Notes from our Live folder:
You can help others by sending your files to us. Kindly, UPLOAD to make this page richer with content.
List of more Ebooks
CSC-302 Simulation and Modelling (SM)
Recommended Textbook:
Discrete-Event System Simulation by J.Banks, J.S.Carton, Barry L. Nelson, D.V.Nicol
Recommended Referencebook:
System Simulation by Geoffrey Gordon
Its almost impossible to find this in PDF format. I had to buy a hardcopy myself(You can find it in Ekta Book Store, Thapathali). Please SHARE with us if you have the PDF.
Additional SM Notes from our Live folder:
You can help others by sending your files to us. Kindly, UPLOAD to make this page richer with content.
List of more Ebooks
CSC-303 Design and Analysis of Algorithms (DAA)
Although we already have a lot of notes, It was very hard to find the syllabus recommmended textbook and reference book. Please SHARE with us if you have it.
Additional DAA Notes from our Live folder:
You can help others by sending your files to us. Kindly, UPLOAD to make this page richer with content.
List of more Ebooks
CSC-304 Intro to Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Although we already have a lot of notes, It was very hard to find the syllabus recommmended textbook and reference book. Please SHARE with us if you have it.
Additional AI Notes from our Live folder:
You can help others by sending your files to us. Kindly, UPLOAD to make this page richer with content.
List of more Ebooks
CSC-307 E-Governance(Egov)
Recommended Textbook:
This PDF is not complete! This PDF intentionally skips the CASE-STUDY parts and only contains relevant notes that are needed for learning. If you want the CASE-STUDIES, please buy the book or borrow from your library.

E-Governance: Concepts and Case Studies, C.S.R. Prabhu
Additional Egov Notes from our Live folder: You can help others by sending your files to us. Kindly, UPLOAD to make this page richer with content.
List of more Ebooks
CSC-308 Concepts of Wireless Networking(WiN)
WiN Notes from our Live folder: You can help others by sending your files to us. Kindly, UPLOAD to make this page richer with content.
List of more Ebooks
CSC-313 Introduction to Cryptography (Crypto)
Recommended Text book:
William Stallings, Network Security Essentials-Applications and Standards

We could not find the recommended text-book for this subject in PDF format. If you have a PDF, please UPLOAD it. We have some very useful notes though. They are good substitutes to the textbook. Have a look below.
Additional Crypto Notes from our Live folder:
You can help others by sending your files to us. Kindly, UPLOAD to make this page richer with content.
List of more Ebooks
All Other Subjects 
We don't sufficient content to make/upload notes for the following subjects and we would LOVE your help!
CSC 305: Microprocessor Based Design
CSC 306: Applied Logic
CSC 309: International Business Management
CSC 310: International Marketing
CSC 311: Computer Hardware Design
Please UPLOAD whatever you have for these subjects.We will make a collection here so that everybody can benefit. It helps you and me and EVERYONE. Together we can! :)


Ebooks from our Live folder:
Don't find something you have? You can help others by sending your files to us. Kindly, UPLOAD to make this page richer with content.


Solutions that we have received. You can send us yours too!
This is everything that we were too lazy to catalogue. If you have time to look around, you might find something interesting here.

There wasn't much of any kind of assignment this semester(which makes this semester GREAAAAATTT for pet projects. You wont get time for them later on. You've warned! :D ). Whatever little assignments we had, its probably in the dump. Check it out. Its right above this tab.

Notes like THIS is only possible if our readers upload them. You are getting these notes because your seniors uploaded them for YOU. If you have any useful notes, please upload them; it won't take much time we promise. Help move this chain of contribution. Help your juniors.

PS. Its completely optional but, Please include your name in the filename when uploading. It makes it easier for us to thank you later for your efforts! :)


This is brought to you, with love, from other readers like you. Why don't you share some love too?
Sharing is caring <3
Old Questions
heh! Funny thing about Old Questions - They're OLD so you don't really get the latest and greatest old questions if your senior does not upload it for you. Similarly, YOU should upload your question collection if we're missing any, so that your juniors can benefit. Lets continue the chain of contribution!
Upload Old Questions
*Your Uploaded Old Questions will appear in the list shortly after being uploaded.
Everything Else
Notes, PDF, Solutions and everything else will be uploaded and found under this section. Please upload some file of your own if you have some that we don't. Help your juniors so that your seniors can help you - thats how it works. Please participate, it takes very little time :)
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*Your Uploaded Files will appear in the list shortly after being uploaded.

केहि Suggestions छ भने, अफठ्यारो नमानिकन सहजै भन्नुहोला है। तल Facebook Comment box हाजिर छ​।

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