Wednesday, June 15, 2016

BSc. CSIT 5th Semester TU Board Exam Routine

Onwards from 15th of July 2016, this page will be the only page to get updated about Routine of 5th Semester TU Board Exams, in this blog.
Click here to find stuff to read and questions to solve! ps.Yeah, we actually DGAF about 7th sem Exams, but you can find 7th sem routine below as well(hint: its hidden in the orange panel). And maybe we'll upload 7th sem stuff soon too. You can help this speed up by uploading what notes you have. With enough notes from everyone, we will be able to publish soon.
Date Day Subject Code Subject
2073-03-27 / 2016-07-11 MON CSC 301 Computer Networks
2073-03-30 / 2016-07-14 THU CSC 302 Simulation and Modelling
2073-04-02 / 2016-07-17 SUN CSC 303 Design and Analysis of Algorithm
2073-04-05 / 2016-07-20 WED CSC 304 Artificial Intelligence
2073-04-09 / 2016-07-24 SUN CSC 307 E-governance
2073-04-10 / 2016-07-25 MON CSC 304 Wireless Networking
2073-04-11 / 2016-07-26 TUE MGT 308 International Business Management
CSC 311 Neural Networks
2073-04-12 / 2016-07-27 WED CSC 313 Cryptography
EXAM TIME: 12:00 - 3:00 PM ( दिनको: १२:०० - ३:०० बजे सम्म​ )
Click/Tap here to view official notice

Official Newspaper Notice is NOT AVAILABLE at this time. It will be provided after IOST releases via Gorkhapatra.
Source: CSITauthority

Reading materials:

Don't have stuff to read?

Visit homepage and click 5th Sem under the title to get notes and stuff


N/A: No previous routines are cataloged

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