CSIT 4th Sem Assignments, Notes, PDFs, Assignments and Essential Software


यहा नुन देखि सुनसम्म सब्थोक पाइन्छ। तपाइले खोज़ेको Notes , Questions, eBooks होस-नहो येहि कतै छ्। भेट्नु भएन भने दाहिने पट्टि Search-bar छ्,  टक्क चलाइदिनुहोला नत्र तल फ़ेस्बुक कोमेन्ट गर्दा पनि हुन्छ​। तु: सहायता पाउनुहुनेछ्। -CSITauthority Admin


List of Subjects

बोर्डको फारम भर्दा आफैलाई कास्ट भएकोले सजिलो ढङ्गले Subject-code र  Subject-name मुनि लेखिदिएको छु

CSC-251 : Theory of Computation(TOC)
CSC-252 : System Analysis and Design(SAD)
CSC-253 : Database Management System(DBMS)
CSC-254 : Computer Graphics(CG)
CSC-255 : Introduction to Cognitive Science (ICS)
ENG-256 : Technical Writing


Theory of Computation(TOC)
System Analysis and Design(SAD)
Database Management System(DBMS)
Computer Graphics(CG)
Introduction to Cognitive Science (ICS)
Technical Writing


Yep! We've also got some pretty good scanned notes from them seniors and padhantey kids. Have a look :D
  • Instructions for installing and using SQLyog Enterprise
    - Run and install xampp-win32-1.7.2.exe
    - Install SQLyog702Ent.exe
    - On first run, use serial keys given inside readme.txt to register
    - If you have a 64-bit computer, type services.msc in run and check if SQL service is active
    - If not present, open Xampp control panel and start  MySQL service

    - Ticking on svc will install the service on your system. (this is optional)
    - Now in SQLyog Enterprise, click "Test Connection" to verify a secure connection.
    - Then click on connect if it returns true.
Hey there! We didn't organize assignments properly in this page as it seemed of little incentive. All assignments are placed under their subject title. Missing assignments are either too specific in nature or lost. Multiple assignments are present so choose any for reference and we recommend you to put your own effort into doing the assignments(because its gonna bite you back in the ass later if you don't!).
Assignments like this is only possible if you upload stuff in this site. Please consider contributing. Contact us on our messenger or you can directly go here and upload to your heart's content. Remember! its your uploads that makes everything available to juniors and its your senior's uploads thats making everything available to you. Please continue this trend! Click here to go to upload panel

Notes like THIS is only possible if our readers upload them. You are getting these notes because your seniors uploaded them for YOU. If you have any useful notes, please upload them; it won't take much time we promise. Help move this chain of contribution. Help your juniors.


Uploaded Files
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User Uploaded Old Questions
heh! Funny thing about Old Questions - They're OLD so you don't really get the latest and greatest old questions if your senior does not upload it for you. Similarly, YOU should upload your question collection if we're missing any, so that your juniors can benefit. Lets continue the chain of contribution!

Old Questions

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*Your Uploaded Old Questions will appear in the list shortly after being uploaded.
User Uploaded Everything Else
Notes, PDF, Solutions and everything else will be uploaded and found under this section. Please upload some file of your own if you have some that we don't. Help your juniors so that your seniors can help you - thats how it works. Please participate, it takes very little time :)

Notes, PDF, Solutions etc...

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*Your Uploaded Files will appear in the list shortly after being uploaded.

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