Hello dear readers,
Now you have the ability to post for us at CSITauthority by mailing us at CSITauthoritypostby.user@blogger.com
*You can now post text and images upto 10MB in each separate session
*Your notes / articles / contributions can reach thousands of CSIT studying students this way
*Here is an example:
make an E-mail like this and send it to this E-mail address: CSITauthoritypostby.user@blogger.com
*Make it count; Make it happen. Lets develop a healthy give and take community online
*To attach files, please upload it on some cloud service like google drive and then post the SHARE link as your E-mail content
*Your E-mail may take upto 24hours to appear because of our screening process right now. It should be shorter later on as we practice this.
*This is the first post made by the help of this service and such posts will be made under the username "USER of CSITauthority" i.e. You will be able to post anonymously. Please include your name in the footer if you want to be credited for your work.
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